Implementing a DCOP algorithm

One of pyDCOP goals is to help the study and development of DCOP algorithms. For this purpose, pyDCOp allows you to implement easily your own algorithms and provide all the required infrastructure so that you can concentrate on your algorithm logic.

To demonstrate this we will implement a very simple DCOP algorithm in this tutorial, the Distributed Stochastic Algorithm (DSA).

Distributed Stochastic Algorithm

DSA is a synchronous stochastic local search algorithm that works on a constraints graph. At startup, each variable takes a random value from it’s domain and then run the same procedure in repeated steps.

At each step, each variable send its value to its neighbors. Once a variable has received the value from all it’s neighbors, it evaluates the gain it could obtain by picking another value. If this gain is positive, it decides to change it’s value or to keep the current one. This decision is made stochastically: a variable change its value with probability p (if doing so can improve the state quality).

The algorithm stops after a predefined number of steps.


For example purpose, we only consider here a a very simple version of DSA, which implements DSA-A as described in [ZWXW05]. pyDCOP also has a full implementation of DSA, with several variants, both synchronous and asynchronous, which can be used as dsa and adsa in the solve, run and orchestrator commands.

Implementation with pyDCOP

Basic setup

In pyDCOP, each algorithm is implemented as a module in the pydcop.algorithms package. Thus for our DSA implementation, we simply create a file in the directory pydcop/algorithms.

We must then declare wich graph model our algorithm works on. This is done by declaring a GRAPH_TYPE variable:

# Type of computations graph that must be used with dsa-tuto
GRAPH_TYPE = 'constraints_hypergraph'

Then we need to define the message(s) for this algorithm. A message is defined by a class that inherits pydcop.infrastructure.computations.Message but you can use the message_type() function, which creates the subclass automatically for you. DSA uses one single type of message, which contains the value of the variable sending the message:

DsaMessage = message_type("dsa_value", ["value"])

Algorithm implementation class

Generally speaking, an algorithm is implemented as a subclass of DcopComputation. For algorithms that define computations for variables (i.e. most classic algorithms), you must subclass VariableComputation, which defines several utility methods for handling variables:

class DsaTutoComputation(VariableComputation):

One instance of DsaTutoComputation will be created by pyDCOP for each variable in our DCOP.

The constructor of our class must accept a ComputationDef instance as argument. As its name implies, a ComputationDef instance is an object that fully describes a computation an can be used to instanciate one. It is made of a ComputationNode and a AlgorithmDef. You don’t need to bother with this for now, these instances will be automatically be created by pyDCOP and passed to your constructor. With this, we can now write our computation’s constructor:

class DsaTutoComputation(VariableComputation):

    def __init__(self, computation_definition: ComputationDef):
        # Always call the super class constructor !

        # Constraints involving this variable are available on the
        # ComputationNode:
        self.constraints = computation_definition.node.constraints

        # The assignment of our neighbors for the current and next cycle
        self.current_cycle = {}
        self.next_cycle = {}


When pyDCOP starts a computation its on_start method is automatically called. You can use it for any startup logic. In the case of DSA, the computation must pick a value for the variable it represents:

def on_start(self):
    # This picks a random value form the domain of the variable

    # The currently selected value is available through self.current_value.
    self.evaluate_cycle()  # Defined later

Message handling

Once started, computations communicate one with another by sending messages. In order to handle the messages sent to by the computation, you must register a message handler using the register() decorator : @register("dsa_value").

For DSA, when receiving a message, we store the value and check if we received a value from all our neighbors, in which case we can evaluate whether we should pick a new value for our variable. Note that there might be an offset of one cycle with our neighbor.

Here is the corresponding message handler:

def on_value_msg(self, variable_name, recv_msg, t):

    if variable_name not in self.current_cycle:
        self.current_cycle[variable_name] = recv_msg.value
        if self.is_cycle_complete():

    else:  # The message for the next cycle
        self.next_cycle[variable_name] = recv_msg.value

Finally, we can decide if we should select another value by computing the potential gain and drawing a random number:

def evaluate_cycle(self):

    self.current_cycle[] = self.current_value
    current_cost = assignment_cost(self.current_cycle, self.constraints)
    arg_min, min_cost = self.compute_best_value()

    if current_cost - min_cost > 0 and 0.5 > random.random():
        # Select a new value

    self.current_cycle, self.next_cycle = self.next_cycle, {}

def is_cycle_complete(self):
    # The cycle is complete if we received a value from all the neighbors:
    return len(self.current_cycle) == len(self.neighbors)

def compute_best_value(self) -> Tuple[Any, float]:
    # compute the best possible value and associated cost
    arg_min, min_cost = None, float('inf')
    for value in self.variable.domain:
        self.current_cycle[] = value
        cost = assignment_cost(self.current_cycle, self.constraints)
        if cost < min_cost:
            min_cost, arg_min = cost, value
    return arg_min, min_cost

Running the algorithm

You now have a full working implementation of DSA. For reference, this implementation is also available in this file :

If you did not follow the tutorial, you can simply copy this file in pydcop/algorithms.

This implementation can be used with any pydcop command, for example for solving a graph coloring DCOP for 50 variables (graph_coloring_50.yaml) you can use:

pydcop --timeout 10 -v 3 solve --algo dsatuto graph_coloring_50.yaml

Note that this tutorial only covers the basics of DCOP algorithms implementation, for more details, look at DCOP algorithm Implementation.