PyDCOP runs on python >= 3.6.
We recommend using pip
and installing pyDCOP in a
python venv:
python3 -m venv ~/pydcop_env
source ~/pydcop_env/bin/activate
Then you can simply install using pip:
git clone
cd pyDcop
pip install .
When developing on pyDCOP, for example to implement a new DCOP algorithm, one should instead use the following command, which installs pyDCOP in development mode with test dependencies:
pip install -e .[test]
To generate documentation, you need to install the corresponding dependencies:
pip install -e .[doc]
Additionally, for distributed computation, pyDCOP uses the glpk linear program solver, which must be installed on the system (as it is not a python library, which could be installed as a dependency by pip). For example, on an Ubuntu/Debian system:
sudo apt-get install glpk-utils
on Mac OS:
brew install glpk
On many linux distributions, pip
is not installed by default. On
Ubuntu for example, install using:
sudo apt-get install python3-setuptools
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
When installing pyDCOP over many machines (or virtual machines), for a really distributed system, we recommend automating the process. We provide an ansible playbook that can help you with this task. See the guide Provisioning pyDCOP on many machines.
It is possible that glpk could more easily be installed using Anaconda. Perhaps an Anaconda wizard could provide a recipe.