
A distribution method is used to decide which agent hosts each computation.

Distribution methods are implemented in pydcop.distribution. defines objects that are used by all distribution methods (Distribution` and `DistributionHints). A distribution method computes the allocation of a set computations to a set of agents.

See DCOP computation distribution for more details on the distribution concept.

pyDCOP currently provides the following distribution methods :

Implementing a distribution method

To implement a new distribution method, one must:

  • create a new module in pydcop.distribution, named after the distribution method

  • define the following methods in this file:

    • distribute, which returns a Distribution object

    • distribution_cost, which return the cost of a distribution. If your distribution algorithm does define a notion of cost, you can simply return 0 (like the oneagent distribution)

  • additionally, for dynamic distribution, you can also provide these methods:

    • distribute_remove

    • distribute_add

Base classes

Additional utilities, etc.