DCOP computation distribution

Before running the DCOP, the computation must be deployed on agents. We call the task of assigning each computation to one agent, distribution. The agent that a distribution assigns to a computation will be responsible for hosting and running the computation

When you look at the standard DCOP definition, \(\langle \mathcal{A}, \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{D}, \mathcal{C}, \mu \rangle\), pyDCOP’s distribution can be seen as a generalization of the mapping function \(\mu: \mathcal{X} \rightarrow \mathcal{A}\) used to assign variables to agents.

In classical DCOP approaches, there is exactly one agent for each variable and most DCOP algorithms define one computation for each variable. In that case, the distribution of these computations is of course trivial. The oneagent distribution replicates this traditional method in pyDCOP and might be enough if you do not care about distribution issues and simply want to develop or benchmark classical DCOP algorithms.

However, some DCOP algorithms (for example MaxSum) not only define computations for variable, but also for constraints. These computations then form a factor graph like the one on Fig. 5:

factor graph

Fig. 5 Sample factor graph with 4 variables and 5 constraints

In this situation, one must also assign factor-computation to agent, and there is no obvious mapping. Fig. 6: is a possible distribution of this factor graph on 3 agents but is obvously not the only possible one.

factor graph

Fig. 6 One possible distribution of the factor graph on agents

Even with algorithms that only define computations for variables, the standard assumptions do not hold in many real world problems. “Agents” typically maps to physical computers or devices and the number of these devices is not necessarily equal to the number of decision variables in the DCOP. Moreover, some variables have a physical link to devices (in the sense, for example, that they model an action or decision of this particular device), while some other variables might simply be used to model an abstract concept in the problem and have no real relationship with a physical device.

Finally the placement of computations on the agents has an important impact on the performance characteristics of the global system: some distributions may improve response time, some other may favor communication load between nodes and some other may be better for other criteria like QoS or running cost.

Formally, once the definition of optimality has been defined for a specific problem, finding an optimal mapping is an optimization problem by itself, which can be mapped to graph partitioning and this typically falls under the category of NP-hard problems.

For all these reasons, the distribution of computations on agents is an interesting topic, which is implemented in pyDCOP through distribution methods. See [RPR16] [RPR17] and [RPR18] for background and details on the deployment and distribution of computations in a DCOP.

pyDCOP currently implements several distribution methods, you can find the full list in the reference documentation.